I had finally met bastard #4508 after many years. While we were drinking, e said he is totally down to do a fun stupid thing. I was so excited I started to dance, but then he said he wants to do it with a bunch of other people, which kinda fucking sucks because I was not invited. Also, his stupid name is dumb. So I just went back home and drank a lot of beer. \>This is a really good idea and I wish I had thought of it I know, right? \#2124: Koi I've never been directly involved in the fun stupid metaverse as I was busy as fuck with work and family and such, but I've always been a big-time fan and supporter of the fun stupid metaverse. But you know what? I really fucking hate talking to people and I'm not very good at it and it drains my energy. So I made a VR chat program and I spent all my time and energy working on it. It's called Koi. I made it. I made Koi. I made it, and it is fun stupid. \>This is a really good idea and I wish I had thought of it I know, right? \#158: Zaya I was the first person to join the fun stupid metaverse. I would have started doing things immediately, but I had to figure out how to do things. Eventually I did figure it out, but by then everyone else had already joined. I didn't mind though, because I had made a friend. I was very happy about it, but then he deleted his account. So I just went back home and drank a lot of beer. \>This is a really good idea and I wish I had thought of it I know, right? \#2814: Jerry I was in the fun stupid metaverse for a while, but I was always scared to do anything, because I didn't want to mess up, or get in trouble, or be seen as stupid. My parents are very strict. I tried hard not to disappoint them. I was still scared when I decided to leave the fun stupid metaverse. So I just went back home and drank a lot of beer. \>This is a really good idea and I wish I had thought of it I know, right? \#4145: Little Jane I'm Little Jane. My brother is the famous Dr. Jane of Jane Inc. His company is famous for making giant beautiful live action games. I'm not very good at making things. So I just went back home and drank a lot of beer. \>This is a really good idea and I wish I had thought of it I know, right?